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6 items found for ""

  • Oh the Misery

    Howdy! SO! Today when darling, naïve little me opened my Harmony file, I was met with the terrifying sight of a bunch of ✨blank frames✨. Apparently my file in Storyboard Pro got corrupted, and with it the Harmony file, but not to worry! Since I have the animatic (thank the mama mia's) I was able to just create a new project and import that video, so I can work off of that. So, the ✨lesson of the week✨ is: There may be bumps in the road. When there is do not fear. Simply stomp all over it until the road is flat again because We're on a deadline!!! There's no time for bumps!! Flatten it!!!! 10.13.2022

  • He's Alive!!!

    I forgot to upload this when I made it, but here you go! That's all <3 10.11.2022

  • Background Unga Bunga

    Woohoo! Today I dedicate my life to drawing backgrounds and figuring out layouts! I am selling my soul to the background demon, if I don't make it back you know why. All jokes aside, here's the animatic for now! Do note though that the scene labels in the top left are not entirely accurate due to some editing in finalizing the animatic. Animatic: 9.25.2022

  • Groundwork Set

    I forgot to write this on the day I finished it since it was so late, but I finished up my Scene Progress Chart on September 14th! I might still edit a few things in the format, but for the most part it's ready to use. Now I just have to remember to use it hahaaa. 9.15.2022

  • Late Night Shenanigans

    Hello everyone! The long days have already begun! Woohoo!! Today I bought a subscription to Storyboard Pro. I spent the day learning how to use it, and editing my formerly iMovie-edited animatic in Storyboard Pro instead. My original animatic had a Procreate (iPad) canvas per drawing, which I made into a PDF and also edited in iMovie. When I say I wish I had used Storyboard pro instead since the beginning, I'm not kidding. The interface was much easier to use and less painful for me to work in compared to... two different apps on my iPad. Lesson learned! My animatic is edited far better now, and I learned how to use a new software today! Two birds with one stone. While the animatic is still pretty sketchy, I think it reads much more clearly. I also edited a couple bits out of it, as I felt like they were unnecessary to the story considering the time constraints. As a result of this, I had to alter the ending as well. I think it plays out much better than before. On another note, I also put together my tentative production schedule! I started once I finished editing the Animatic, which was at about 11:30pm. Luckily it didn't take me too long. Here it is! Anyway, I think that about wraps it up for me for the day. It's 1 am, so I think I'm going to go eat a bread roll and pass out. See you next post! 9.6.2022

  • Plantkromancer Production!!

    Welcome to Speedrun Central Howdy! Welcome to the recorded adventure of me, Bethany, trying to finish this short film in one semester. Oh boy this'll be a ride. There'll be a lot to do (there already is), but I can do it! Let's see how it all plays out... Wish me luck! :) 9.2.2022

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